Legal Notice

The company EVAO TECH , specializing in the
sale of solar lighting kits, solar pumps and domestic solar kits for daily use, provides you with the following information in accordance with the legislation in force:

  1. Legal information
    Company name: EVAO TECH 
    Head office: Quartier Vodjè, Cotonou, Benin
    Registration number: [registration number]
    Director of publication: [name of director]
    Contact: [contact e-mail address]
  2. Intellectual property
    The EVAO TECH website, accessible via the address, is the exclusive property of EVAO TECH. All elements of the site, including but not limited to text, images, videos, logos, trademarks, graphics, illustrations and software, are the intellectual property of EVAO TECH and are protected by intellectual property laws.
    Any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation or partial or total use of the site and its content without the prior written authorization of EVAO TECH is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the legal provisions in force.
  3. Collection of personal data
    EVAO TECH collects and processes certain personal data as part of its commercial activities. For more information on the collection, processing and protection of your personal data, please consult our privacy policy accessible on our website.
  4. External links
    The EVAO TECH website may contain links to external sites belonging to third parties. EVAO TECH has no control over the content of these external sites and declines all responsibility for their content, confidentiality or security. The activation of these links is done under your entire responsibility.
  5. Limitation of liability
    EVAO TECH strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on its website. However, it cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy or relevance of the information provided, nor the continuous availability of the site. Therefore, you use the EVAO TECH website at your own risk.
    EVAO TECH declines all responsibility in the event of direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damage resulting from the use or inability to use this site or any other site linked to it, in particular in the event of loss of data, revenue or profit from the use of such information.
  6. Competent jurisdiction and applicable law
    Any dispute relating to the use of the EVAO TECH website will be subject to the law in force and will fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Benin.
    Thank you for visiting our site. For any request for additional information or clarification regarding this legal notice, please contact us at the e-mail address indicated above.